Many of us have different phone numbers like home phone, business phone, personal phone, etc and handling the calls to those numbers simultaneously is a difficult job. Moreover, searching for something important from those number of voicemails is a real nightmare. Google is trying to simplify all those tasks with it's new service. Dubbed as "Google Voice", the service is aimed to improve the way we use our phone. With Google Voice, you pick a new phone number from Google, when someone calls that number, you can route the call to any of your other phone number as per your requirement. For example, calls from your spouse can be routed to your personal number and official calls can be routed to your business number and so on. Even if you change any of your phone number, you just have to update the new number in your Google Voice and everyone will still be able to reach you in the same old number which you picked from Google.
Another interesting feature is voice mail transcription. Whenever you recieve a voicemail, Google Voice immediately transcripts the message as plain text and sends it as an email to the account holder. The new service offers many more cool features such as, call screening, listening before taking a call, listening to voice mails on PC or mobile, recording calls and so on. Everything can be configured right from the browser in an easy to use interface. What's very interesting is, the Google Voice will be available completely free of cost. Now if this is service is integrated and synchronized with Android and many other Google apps, we might have a killer app from Google. Unfortunately, the service is still in beta stage and currently available through invites only. General availability of the service is expected very soon. Until then, check out the official site for the full list of features and a demonstration video.
Read - Here comes Google Voice
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